We look forward to meeting you!
This conference consists of sessions with invited presenters in the field of emergent and quantum technologies. Our sessions are dedicated to presenting the papers submitted for the conference and accepted for the oral presentation. There will also be an online/remote and poster session which will give an opportunity to present and discuss the best research works accepted for the conference.
The participants get access to a wide variety of talks in different disciplines.
Top researchers and technologists are invited to speak at the plenary sessions.
talk about the recent progress in emergent and quantum technologies and possible future research directions
Although we prefer in-person presentations, participants can do a remote presentation, or publication only.
For a sample of the last year's program go here
Quantum computing is a rapidly emerging interdisciplinary research area that integrates concepts from mathematics, physics, and engineering. For scientific rigor and successful progress in the field, it demands contributions from various STEM areas.
In this context, we are pleased to announce the International Conference on Emergent and Quantum Technologies (ICEQT’24), to be held on July 22-25, 2024, in Las Vegas, NV. The conference aims to provide an opportunity for researchers in the field of quantum machine learning and machine learning researchers interested in applying AI to enhance quantum computing algorithms, to present and discuss recent advancements in the ir areas of expertise.
Notably, there has been an increasing interest from machine learning researchers to apply AI to the quantum computing domain, and vice versa. As a result, we cordially invite submissions of original research papers that present state-of-the-art contributions in the following areas:
Foundations of Quantum Computing and Quantum Machine Learning
Quantum Machine Learning Algorithms
AI for Quantum Computing
Quantum Algorithms and Applications
Fairness and Ethics in Quantum Machine Learning
We look forward to receiving your submissions and to welcoming you to ICEQT’24.
Paper Submission Deadline: May 15, 2024 (extended)
PUBLISHER: Springer Nature (https://www.springernature.com/)
IMPORTANT: Many universities and institutions require their faculty and
PhD students to publish papers indexed in major Science
Citation Index (SCI) systems. Due to overwhelming requests
from authors, we decided to choose a publisher more proactive
in the SCI indexing process than the one previously announced.
We are pleased to report that on June 16, Springer Nature's
management informed us they will meet our indexing needs.
Therefore, all accepted papers for CSCE 2024 will benefit
from enhanced and elevated SCI indexing.
INDEXATION: The published proceedings will be submitted for indexing in
the CPCI, part of Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science;
Scopus; EI Engineering Index; Google Scholar; DBLP; and
Each paper will be peer-reviewed by two experts in the field for originality, significance, clarity, impact, and soundness. In cases of contradictory recommendations, a member of the conference program committee would be charged to make the final decision (accept/reject); often, this would involve seeking help from additional referees. Papers whose authors include a member of the conference program committee will be evaluated using the double-blinded review process. (Essay/philosophical papers will not be refereed but may be considered for discussion/panels).
Luxor by MGM Resorts International.
First-Come First-Served till the block of hotel rooms are fully booked.
800-926-4737 or 702-262-4445.
Mention the Group Code "CSREA 2024"
This is the code that the hotel will use to handle the reserved block
of rooms.
Authors with more than one accepted paper must pay an "Extra Paper/Publication
Charge" of $495.00 for each extra paper.
For example, the fee for one author attending with two accepted papers
would be: 675 + 495 (or 575 + 495 in the case of a full-time student).
Bikram Khanal
A Ph.D. student at Baylor University, working on quantum machine learning and quantum computing.
His research interests include quantum algorithms, quantum machine learning, quantum computing, and their applications
in various fields. He is also interested in adversarial machine learning, Large Language Models, and Natural Language Processing.
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Pablo Rivas
An assistant professor of computer science at Baylor University where
he teaches courses related to machine learning, deep learning,
data mining, and theory. Former assistant professor at Marist College
and earlier at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center working on deep
learning and it applications, including quantum machine learning
and AI Orthopraxy.
Sponsors, and supporters from different institutions and countries are welcomed. Contact one of the chairs for more information.